Face Painting It's all about the glitter. Face painting at Impact Field for the Chicago Dogs in Rosemont Hi it's me.. Trish Go CUBS Go! Peppa! Chicago flag face painting Glitter.. then more glitter and then... glitter Fun times at the Chicago Dogs baseball game My face painting set up. I bring everything including my own table and chair. Cheese burger in paradise. Arm painting. Fin to left, Fin to the right arm painting Me in my Chicago Cubs face painting outfit Me in my Halloween face painting hat Chicago Cubs face painting with gems and glitter My face painting palettes and set up Chicago Cubs head painting Donut and Elmo arm painting Face Painting at Wrigley in Brickhouse Tavern Glitter at the Brickhouse Tavern in Wrigley Rainbow face painting with glitter Chicago Cubs Fan Face Painting St Paddy's Day face painting with glitter Earth Baby Belly Painting Face Painting Daycare Face & Arm Painting My Pride Parade face painting hat